Flea market Milan
Flea markets or second hand shops aren't such a big thing in Milan, people go more for brand new. I guess it feels more posh, and that's such a big deal in here. When you go to the flea markets in London or Paris, it's such a nice feeling, even if you're just "window" shopping and don't plan on buying anything. They're packed with positive energy and it feels like everything they sell is valuable, only for the fact that it is there.
In Milan, the situation is a bit different, here it seems that the value of the items is already lowered just for the fact that there are there. You don't go to the flea market in Milan unless you really need anything and can't get it anywhere else.
I think it's such a pity because I love a good market's vibe.
I made some pics even though the weather was so bad, very cloudy and dark.
A lot of moka pots |
This is Porta Genova flea market, you can visit every Sunday morning from 7-14. It has been here since April 2012, the old location was Bonola, so not that many people know about it yet.