Friday, 1 April 2016

Natural permanent hair removal with Thanaka powder and Kusuma oil

Hello my lovelies,

it's been a while, but I'm back with some new ideas that might be interesting and very helpful, both time and money savers on the long run.
Today I am going to talk to you about a topic I believe plenty of us have problems with, body hair.
It is there, no matter what you do it grows back, most of it is not useful in any way for the lifestyle in the present day, but since evolution takes its time we can get ahead and try to find a way to get rid of it.

I have been thinking about laser and various similar methods to get rid of some of the body hair for years now, but I never went for it because I didn't want to take the risk of spending quite some money on the process that might be harmful to my skin and is not going to work for sure.
This brought me to consider natural alternatives to get rid of my body hair permanently, or at least to diminish the quantity, the thickness, the growth time, anything that would reduce the amount of time and money I spend to threat the unwanted hair.

The internet research I did brought me to find out about plenty of methods people have been using for hundreds of years, recipes mothers would pass on their daughters, most of whose ingredients can probably be found in your kitchen cabinet or in the local supermarket. Natural methods take time and might, but don't have to work. It could work for one person and not work for another.

I chose the method I was most attracted to probably because it seemed so exotic to me and because it seems to work for most of the people in the reviews I've read, and I will give it a try in the upcoming months. My goal is to get rid of most of my body hair, but will start with just one part.
We are going to discover together whether it works for me since I am going to run you throughout the whole process which should last for 3 months. Worst comes to worst after the treatment I should still have hairy but silky soft skin.

The method I am going to try is a combination of Thanaka powder and Kusuma oil.
About the products I am going to use:

Thanaka powder

Thanaka powder is made from the bark of at least 35 years old thanaka trees (Limonia Acidissima) that grow mostly in Burma. Burmese women have been using the powder for over 2000 years for sun protection and nowadays still apply it on their faces. This tree powder contains antioxidant properties. Besides sun protection, the natural ingredient can help smoothen skin, clarify and constrict pores, moisturize, and control unnecessary oiliness. Studies have also shown that thanaka has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which help to leave acne skin naturally clear and beautiful.

However, in combination with Kusuma oil is it supposed to leave your skin hairless.

Kusuma oil

Kusuma oil is pressed out of the seeds of the precious Kusuma flower (Schleichera oleosa, Safflower). Safflower oil is a natural anti-inflammatory agent that increases cell membrane integrity. It protects you from high levels of toxins and bacteria in the air. It is especially beneficial for those suffering from psoriasis and eczema. It easily removes dirt and oil without drying out your skin and hair. Since safflower oil is sensitive to both light and heat, its recommended that consumers purchase safflower oil that has been stored in a brown glass bottle, and keep it refrigerated after opening.

I suggest you to use the best quality products because it is better for your skin and it is more likely for it to do the trick. I was very tempted to get cheaper version of the powder and the oil which can be found at online shops such as Amazon, iHerb, eBay etc, and was very skeptic about paying a high price for something I don't know if it's going to work, but I gave it a try. I bought the smallest possible quantity, 65 g of pure Thanaka powder for 35,50 $ and 115 ml of Kusuma oil for 15,50 (it was discounted) on Argo naturals. I have no idea about the quantity I am going to need for 3 months and am not sure I will even use it for that long, so I ordered a small quantity to see how it works on my skin.

My first order from Argo Naturals
I got my bikini sugar waxing appointment tomorrow morning and will start using the paste once I have my pubic hair removed. I will apply the paste on a small area for the first couple of days just to see my skin's reaction to avoid the damage (even though there should be none) on the whole area.

How to use:

- Safflower or Kusuma oil, enough to make a paste
- Thanaka powder, enough to cover your hair ridden skin

1. Mix the oil with thanaka powder to get a paste. Apply this to your unwanted hair area at night      before going to bed and leave it overnight.
2. Wash off with water in the morning. Use regularly for about 3 months to get results.

I also read the following on, where you can find some other useful info:

"Massaging the paste is the most important part of the treatment. Therefore make sure that you invest at least 5 Minutes into massaging the paste into the opposite direction of your hair growth. This way you will make sure that it is getting best absorbed by the hair follicle. Once this is done correctly it should be enough if you leave the paste on for only 30-60 minutes and then wash it off.
More important than applying the paste as much as possible is that you use it in a regular time frame. For example every Monday to Friday from 6pm till 7pm. As with all ayurvedic treatments this makes it easier for your body to become accustomed to the treatment."

This is not a sponsored post and I am not in any way connected to Argo Naturals company. I am showing their products because those are the ones I decided to use based on the research I did. I don't know if articles, reviews and experiences I found online were sponsored.

I will keep you updated!



  1. Hi,
    I was just wondering if it worked for you ?

  2. As it seems to be natural product, it would have worked.
